Lenten Inches of Art Project

Final call!

Please send all pieces/photos to Louise by this Sunday night, March 29th.

We’ve received some lovely inches of art so far but this is the last weekend to finish and send these in. Please contact Louise if you would like her to pick-up from your doorstep or alternatively you can take a photo of your piece(s) of art and email or message them to her. If you take a photo, please leave a bit of a border so Louise can edit – don’t zoom right in. Feel free to take more than one photo if your art isn’t just confined to the front of the square.

Don’f forget to include a short reflection, message, or just a title for your art that lets people know what your piece represents as you’ve journeyed through Lent. Add your name or leave it anonymous.

In a change to our original we won’t be putting these up in church just yet. Instead, Louise will put together a digital and printed gallery that we can view from Palm Sunday. Louise will keep your art safe and if you send a photo hold on to your square so that we can create a larger piece once we’re back together in Longsight.